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A Better Way to Introduce MySelf


Would be on these few sentences
1. Every kid deserves a rich smart BIOLOGICAL dad.
2. If women prefer the rich, how can there be many kids with poor dad?
3. If it’s your money, and women prefer you, why should it be someone else’ cock?

I learn game theory and evolutionary psychology a lot to see answers to these 3 truth riddles. The answers are obvious but incomplete.

I went from forum to forum and am surprised by people’s response to my statements. It’s as if everyone else is under some powerful spell that they don’t see the obvious.

Some for example think that women may not prefer the rich, even though I never make claims that all do and that those claims are necessary. Some said that rich men don’t want to make kids, even though any males with that kind of choices (emperors) will almost always do that.

Notice that’s not even the problem. Even if women prefer the rich and rich males want many women statement is only 10% true, it should be enough to eliminate poverty if prostitution is legal. My estimate is more like 90%.

Most think that government should change marital laws to be something that’s more fair, not realizing that the issue is not whether the terms are good or not, but who decide.

Many of what I learn is very surprising.

Am I a christian? In a sense that most christian would disagree, I think I am.

For example, I learn that many of what Jesus said is surprisingly right. Faith does move mountain. Check truth riddle number 2 if you don’t believe me. A better proof will be a concept called focal Nash equilibrium. I can explain all that in detail.

Jesus did have good advices. Love your enemies could simply mean being a little merciful and some carefully selected strategic appeasement to them. Of course, he never said to love our enemies and parasites more than we love ourselves, which is what the liberal and christians demand everyone else to do.

Hitler killed jews and hence didn’t have nukes. Then he slaughtered serbs and hence didn’t have grain. Then he lost big and we wonder why racism is the most politically incorrect traits nowadays. The same way, libertarians propose that we should let the poor starve and hence don’t get many votes.

Hitler’s ally, the japs, claimed to be Asian’s “big brother” and pretty much capture the whole south east asia without war. Perhaps a little compassion to others did the trick.

Rather than dropping more bombs to Middle East, why not drop happiness? Drop porn. Drop ecstasy. And the only losers will be that khomeini guy.

However it’s kind of tricky to do so if even in the land of the pee, those 2 are politically incorrect. As Jesus said, we should remove the block in our eyes first before bombing blocks on middle east.

The same demon that turn nazis into exterminators, and muslim youths into suicide bombers is most likely the same one that turn christians in US to prohibit drugs and prostitution. They’re even most likely encoded by the same genes. That kind of demon can only be exorcised with heavy dose of porn or perhaps evolutionary psychology explanations.

Then I learn that the greatest human is Tao and the greatest Tao is just a normal typical human being. That explains why most people have self delusional faith. It works, at least partially, and in many cases. Observing chimps also help understanding our true natures.

After all, humans need to reconcile their false politically correct fairy tales they consciously aware with the politically incorrect but factually proven algorithm their instincts know. Of course they bullshit themselves. What else could they have done?

Dawkins say that that our selfish genes are on the driver seats. Then he extended that idea to memes. By another small extension, our traits are our true self. Just like a country consists of a lot of people, the same way one man consists of a lot of traits and preference.

Just like some country are free market democracy and follow the will of all their people, quite literally, the same way some man listen to their emotion. The latter are more successful.

The idea that traits are “selfish” or a true self is buddhist.

For example, this is a buddhist strategy that would work. Love sinners hate sin. The same way, don’t hate terrorists. Hate their anti freedom traits by dropping more and more porn and we would have killed our true enemies living the innocence intact.

Now that would be a true weapon of moral destruction. Any kind of moral that opposes free fair competition should be destroyed anyway.

So, in a sense, I am an amateur evolutionary psychologists, game theorists, NLPist, christian, taoist, and buddhist.

Am I a satanist? Well, in atheistic sense, I could be. I am closer to deist or agnostic actually. However, who is Satan and who is God is very flexible, if you’re an atheist.

I can start seeing God (=free market?) telling all of us, “Have any consensual sex all you want, just don’t get married. The day you’re married will be the day you’ll die.” Then I see Satan, (=government?) telling, “Didn’t God tell you that all sex are prohibited, except if you exalt me to be the pimp and sign a legally binding life time monogamous government enforced contract where you can lose more than half your wealth?” God never told that!

I see many people are deceived, get married, sign a demonic pact called civil marriage, and ended up paying a lifetime alimony to girls that are already riding someone else’ cock. In a sense, that man is already death the day he’s married.

Doing so is worse than death. Rewarding those that screw you will exterminate not just your life, but all that are like you, your traits, your true self.

That’s hell. They’ll never get out of it. Not unless they went berserk and kill their ex and the judge and the bastard kid or themselves, which will lead them to an even deeper hell. Or they can embrace globalization and escape to another country. Salvation is near thanks to free market, even on those who are in alimony or marital hell.

Prohibitions of a more sensible arrangement like prostitution are simply genocide against capitalists.

It just reminds me of Jesus words: Don’t make a vow (including marital vow) because you don’t even know whether your hair can fall or not, let alone whether your kids will be yours if you’re married, unless you write and study your own marriage contract first. Who does?

Jesus also told us to know the truth, and the truth will set you free. How do we know the truth? Wikileaks is one thing. Paternity test is another. That one should have replaced marriage a long time ago. Porn is another. Just look at what Satan tried to censor and we’ll be on some right path on seeing God’s true plan: abundant free market that brings prosperity to all.

Well, if Jesus is right on some aspects of life, maybe he’s right on others.

“What would Jesus do?” ask most Christian. Very well, on this one aspect I think I am going to follow him.

Legalization of prostitution or drug will be a victory for all capitalists. If those 2 are legal, the most successful variant among humans’ species will be those providing the best service to the most customers. Victory for capitalists will be victory of all men.

If that’s the goal, then porn will be the gospel. Now, spread the gospel, make everyone my disciple (except for my spelling and grammar). If any country would reject that gospel, just leave (but spam their forum anyway). On the day of judgment that country will suffer more than north Korea.

A Better Way to Introduce MySelf is a post from: Free Market Forever

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